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The use of cookies on Europe Congress website


This website uses various cookies for the purpose of improving your browsing experience. f your browser settings allow doing so, sometimes we place small data files called cookies to your device. The cookies help to remember your activities and preferences for a certain period of time avoiding you having to input them again when you are returning to the website or moving from one website to another. The information is used for the purpose of optimization of the services provided when using this website. 

There are two types of cookies:

- Technical:
 Ensuring the basic technical functioning of the website.
- Relation: Assisting to display the website correctly during your visit. These are automatically deleted at the moment you close your browser

By using this website you consent to the use of cookies as described above. You can freely delete cookies or refuse their use in advance by selecting the corresponding settings of your browser. By doing so it may be that you will be requested to refill certain information or to manually set-up some options available on this website. 

Google Analytics 
This website uses Google Analytics. Detailed information regarding Google Analytics and its functionality can be found 